
Burricks are well-documented in our chronicles. There have been extensive studies into the world of the burrick.

A Burrick is a lizard-like creature which walks on two powerful hind legs. Burricks live in self-made tunnels, and they are in fact famous for being able to tunnel through anything (including iron). This is made possible by their highly acidic breath, which is also used for defense if a Burrick is startled.

They live in family units, loosely referred to as a "hutch", and have been noted to protect and even comfort each other when under attack. Burrick "communities" may encompass several hundred families, all living in the same labyrinth of tunnels underground. Young burricks are rare, as they usually remain sealed in darkness for several months after their birth, their mother bringing them food.

Burricks are, by nature, not aggressive, but they will defend their territory and nests. Upon seeing an intruder, they will often emit a hollow-sounding bellow to call for reinforcements from the hutch. They can be killed using all normal means, but the blackjack seems to be ineffective on them.

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