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By: thief0 (Usman Saeed) Plot Description: This is just a demo, so don't expect any great architecture and texturing. In fact, the mission is very weird-looking and ugly. This is a demo of a tool called a hookshot. If you've played Zelda: Ocarina of time, you should know what I'm talking about. Basically, it's an arrow that Garrett shoots at a wooden object, and then he gets pulled towards it. To bring up the arrow, press whichever key you normally press to bring up the broadhead arrows (default: 3). To fire the arrow, simply left-click the mouse button once, no need to press and hold. I wasn't able to actually show the chain mechanism extended and contracting. So, I just made that part of the "story." I called the hookshot "fiber-roped hookshot" - meaning, the chain/rope is meant to be transparent and invisible. Once you reach your destination, you will fall down a moment later. It should be possible to make the arrow deploy a rope; I did think of that; however, I think it's more exciting when you sometimes fall and have to hookshot in mid-air.
About the crosshair: in your inventory I've put icons so that you can match the crosshair to your game resolution. The crosshair is defaulted to a resolution of 1280 x 1024. it'll take a few seconds for the crosshair to adjust. also, whenever you complete an objective, the crosshair disappears for a few seconds and then reappears.
640 x 480
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By: Christine Plot Description: When Garrett entered his home one night, he was surprised by the local guard. While he managed to escape, he had to leave his equipment behind. Now he has arrived in the neighbouring city and desperately needs new equipment. Additional Comments: Please keep in mind: This is a demo mission for modified weapons, filled with Greenhorn's custom objects. It's DarkLoader-compatible, so that both DromEdders and players are able to test the new weapons. Only original resources were used except Greenhorn's custom objects . Please don't expect an amazing storyline or great architecture, it's just a demo!
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10 of 10
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By: Schwaa Plot Description: This is Schwaa's Dromed demo of breakable electric lights. It also includes various bugs, trees and shutters and a working perfume bottle, fancy screen wall and other assorted goodies. Additional Comments: Must be played through Dromed.
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By: RavynousHunter Plot Description: Come one, come all! Test your archery, test your melee skills! Face the invincible guard! Go down and take whatever equipment you want! Keep your archery skills sharp with target practice! Ok, basically, this is a little mission cobbled together in about 2 hours, mostly to keep your archery skills sharp and work on your melee combat. The equipment room is past to the left, at the forward end of the room, down the water shaft, and has 35 fire, vine, and water arrows, and a sword. The melee training room is to your right, but be careful, the guard can and will kill you if you give him the opportunity. You start out with a set of 100 broadheads to practice with, and there are no objectives, just practice.
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10 of 10
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By: Yandros (Russ Robbins) Plot Description: The HMDK is a collection of Thief 2 resources related to the Hammerites, a faction of religious zealots which played an integral role in the story of Thief 1, but were all but absent in Thief 2.
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By: Moghedian Plot Description: It is a little demo that was originally made for a friend to show some custom plants in their real setting. The demo also has some gardening equipment as well as four domes and a trellis.
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By: R Soul (Robin Collier) Plot Description: This is for the dromed beauty contest. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go so just have a look around. There are no objectives so you don't 'win' the mission. Just quit the game when you're done. Additional Comments: Beauty Contest entry
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By: Gregorius (Grzegorz Lukawski) Plot Description: The Mechanists have built a really big luxurious ship named "Titanicus Maximus". It is about to set off on the first cruise. There will be many rich persons on board and a lot of loot to collect.
You've embarked on this vessel and are in hiding on the service deck. But... something goes wrong. Time to leave your hideout.
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7 of 10
-- 3 Vote(s)
By: Nameless Voice Plot Description: This is a short example mission demonstrating various gizmos and technical effects. (more)
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10 of 10
-- 4 Vote(s)
Other: Komag's Site |
By: Komag (Ben Ramsey) Plot Description: While reading in the Mage Towers library, you read about another group called the "Foot Brotherhood", a secret organization of Wizards much like the Hand Brotherhood of Mages. You've managed to find your way through the mountains to their secret village location. Steal their goodies! Additional Comments: This is a demo mission converted to Thief 2. It is my first serious work I ever did with dromed, but abandoned last March. March 25th, 2001, was the last day I worked on the mission, except for a couple details and getting things darkloader-ready for a demo-release on January 12, 2002.
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8 of 10
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By: Yandros (Russ Robbins) Plot Description: This is more of a demo, really… I will likely never finish my mission Spoof: The Daft Project, which was to spoof well-known movies and TV shows. So I’m releasing the only part of it which I’ve completed – a farce in the style of the old Benny Hill skits where everyone ran around at high speed to the strains of “Yakety Sax”. The Trickster himself will run around and be silly along with plenty of your other Thief favorites. Once it’s done, all the participants will fall down dead, and you can then go explore. When you’re done, press the large button at the end of the hall. There’s really nothing to this mission except a good laugh. Additional Comments: Gaylesaver’s latest scripts are required:
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10 of 10
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By: Yandros (Russ Robbins) Plot Description: Demo of various doors.
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By: Dark Arrow (Jari Mäkinen) Plot Description: A demo of the Ogre AI.
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By: Weyoun (Philip M. Anderson) Plot Description: Demonstration of custom motion files.
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By: Justice01 Plot Description: A fun, quick diversion from all the thiefy/hiding in shadows stuff. Kind of humorous. Small FM contest 4 entry. Just sit back and shoot some moving targets. Additional Comments: FM Contest 4 entry
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10 of 10
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By: Telliamed (Tom N Harris) Plot Description: Choose your task: 1) It's late, you're hungry, and there's a pie in that building with your name on it. Find it, and eat it! 2) It's your daughter's birthday and she needs a gift. A teddy bear would be nice, find it! But don't kill anyone, or she'll be sad and cry. 3) You've done well! Now celebrate with a cold beer... If you can get it without being noticed. Additional Comments: FM Contest 3 entry. IMPORTANT: This mission must be played with a PATCHED version of Thief 2 and with GayleSaver's CUSTOM SCRIPTS installed.
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6 of 10
-- 21 Vote(s)
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