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Thief 2 Fan Mission
Lost Souls (v1.4)

 Filesize: 6.9 MB
 Released: 9/22/2006

By: TheNightTerror

Plot Description: Dayport is falling apart at the seams, courtesy of a storm like nobody has ever seen before. The coastal districts of the city are flooded, and nearby districts are being evacuated. The food supplies have stopped, and most of the city's water is contaminated. A good number of people are fleeing even if their homes are safe. With the number of bodies everywhere, a plague is inevitable. Basso, Jenivere and I can't afford to leave, but we can if his mother, sister, and niece come along and help with the money. The problem is those three have disappeared. Basso said there was some trouble at the manor his sister was working at, but his mother didn't say what. The entire district is flooding at a disturbing pace, so Basso and I decided to go there and see if we could find out what's happening, and why Basso's family disappeared. We found a dead guard pinned underneath the gate, so it can't be anything good. I have to find out what happened here and get the gate open so Basso's family can escape, if they're still alive.

Additional Comments: Updated version of Water Contest Entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 3 of 10 -- 3 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 3

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C4 Too Good To Be True

 Filesize: 7.6 MB
 Released: 12/18/2002

By: THEthief (Rachel Ford)

Plot Description: "Count Richmond, one of the wealthiest men in existence, is throwing a surprise, weekend-long, party, starting this evening, in honor of his daughter, Theresa's, engagement - a surprise to Theresa, that is; most everyone else is aware of it. Myself included - Jenivere works as a maid to Count Richmond, and slipped out a list of invited guests, which she passed onto me... The list is long, and only the very wealthy are invited...but I'm sure Count Richmond won't mind if I drop in for a quick 'visit' - after all, once I'm done 'visiting', I certainly won't be hurting for cash... Getting in should be easy - there's a large tree outside the gate - with a branch that extends over the wall; the front entrance guards retire at 10:00...that'll be my cue. A collection of the richest people in the world will be there, along with their favorite jewels, each trying to out-do the other, with displays of wealth - and, let's not forget the lavish presents Theresa will be given! Also security is unbelievably low...if I didn't know better, I'd say this was too good to be true..."

Additional Comments: FM Contest 4 entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 12 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 12

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C3 Underground Escape

 Filesize: 0.4 MB
 Released: 12/12/2002

By: THEthief (Rachel Ford)

Plot Description: About a year ago, Garrett left the city; the corruption and cruelty was too much, even for a hardened Thief, such as himself. Living in the country, though, Garrett hasn't found much to rob - he decided to pay a few of his "favorite" noblemen in town a visit. Luckily, since Garrett's 'disappearance' from the crime scene, security hasn't been so necessary (is he good, or what?) ...(more)

Additional Comments: FM Contest 3 entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 4 of 10 -- 14 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 14

Thief 2 Fan Mission
CTEC A Simple Job Planned for This Evening

 Filesize: 1.5 MB
 Released: 9/16/2008

By: thief0

Plot Description: At first, you might think "what the hell is this?!!". This is not a serious mission. I wanted to recreate the bizarre, distorted feel of "The Sword" (e.g., upside down rooms, etc.) And I wanted to combine this weirdness with the goofiness of Blooper Reel. From Blooper Reel, I liked the idea of nonserious and comical gameplay with the intentional showing off of mistakes and errors in mission design.

So, in short, I wanted to imitate and combine the weirdness of The Sword and the goofiness of Blooper Reel in one mission.

Additional Comments: Classic Thief Experience Contest sixth place

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 3 of 10 -- 5 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 5

Thief 2 Fan Mission
NC Taffer's Bank

 Filesize: 1.26 MB
 Released: 8/31/2005

By: Thief0

Plot Description: You've found out about an emerging thief group who are establishing their own bank. Check it out... and rob them!

Additional Comments: Novice Contest entry

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No Votes Yet

Thief 2 Fan Mission
SSR Choose Your Own Adventure

 Filesize: 0.4 MB
 Released: 3/17/2006

By: Thief0

Plot Description: You can play two missions: a short ski mission and a mission where you steal a gem from a haunted place.

Additional Comments: Yandros' Small Stock Resource Contest entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 4 of 10 -- 2 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 2

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bluecoat's Training Facility

 Filesize: 2 MB
 Released: 3/31/2003
 Added: 4/3/2003


By: Thief13x aka Timmy (Dave Heitzer)

Plot Description: The following takes place shortly after the events of Thief2

(Garrett's voice)-My experiences with the bluecoats have left some fond memories of prison life, along with some scars to back it up. My first encounter with Sheriff Gorman Truart almost ended my Thieving career, nearly taking my life along with it. Fortunately I had some wits back then and turned the tables around, getting him eliminated swiftly and quietly from my life. Anyway, the bluecoats have been under a new management for some time now, a fellow by the name of Grillard Mckay took charge shortly after Truart's death. Well, it wasn't until recently that my good ole friend "Grillard" struck it rich and added some nice new fancies to the Training facility which he arrogantly holds under his command. The Bluecoat's Training Facility, located to the far north of the city is where new recruits go to train, too bad im not stopping by for that reason. The facility has always been open to the public and tours were even conducted to try and convince people to submit their lives to the miserable existence of guard life, a shame they still haven't persuaded me. However, a few months ago, their fearless leader decided to have gates installed and the place was permanently cut off from the rest of the city, and the public. Rumor has it on the streets that McKay didn't inherit his wealth lawfully, that he is earning his wealth through some kind of "illegal trade", and installed the gates to keep people from finding out what was going on. Personally, I don't like running on rumors, and seeing the unsuspecting captain is out of town tonight I am going to stop by to take a little "tour" of my own and hopefully dig up some useful information against McKay, ultimately eliminating the bluecoats from my life.... (more)

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 4 of 10 -- 43 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 43

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C2 Game

 Filesize: 1.4 MB
 Released: 2/27/2002

By: Thorin Oakenshield (Mike Eyre)

Plot Description: Your friend Basso told you about a card game at the castle and how legendry these games were for big winnings and losses. You decided to pay this game a visit whilst disguised as one of the captain's men. What should have been easy pickings for you, turned out rather different. You got cleaned out!, Not liking it one little bit you decide to go back to the castle after sundown to get your money back, and to examine the cards to see if they're marked. Also a good oppertunity to get 2,500 extra loot and steal the captains prized masks afterall, He robbed you... Didn't he?

Additional Comments: FM Contest 2 entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 33 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 33

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Karras' Diary: Prophecies of Gold

 Filesize: 59 MB
 Released: 9/1/2002


By: Thorin Oakenshield (Mike Eyre)

Plot Description: The Mechanist movement has not died with the death of Karras as you had hoped. No, but rather the remaining Mechanists have made Karras their patron saint! They view him as a martyr for the cause of the Builder and they blame Garrett for his death. The Keepers have learned of the Mechanists' plan to exact revenge on Karras' behalf, at your expense, and worse, a plan to force the conversion of everyone to the Mechanist faith or be killed ...(more)

Additional Comments: Can also be downloaded in smaller 18MB chunks here.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 9 of 10 -- 110 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 110

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C4 Secret Weapon

 Filesize: 1.3 MB
 Released: 1/15/2003

By: Thorin Oakenshield (Mike Eyre)

Plot Description: The Keepers never embrace a cause. Embracing a cause would be to lose their balance. However, it seems they always have you to call on whenever they have need of an unbalanced individual to do their dirty work for them. It seems that the Mechanists little invasion of the pagan wood uncovered artifacts that now pose a serious risk to the City of Dayport.When the Mechanists found the portal to the pagan wood, they killed all the pagans and found a magic crystal that can allegedly cause a terrifying metamorphosis. It supposedly transforms humans into something else!...(more)

Additional Comments: FM Contest 4 entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 32 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 32

Oldstone Castle (v1.2)

 Filesize: 49.3 MB
 Released: 4/9/2007

By: Tiens

Plot Description: This FM was done with fun in mind. It is a small quest inside an alive and very deceitful building. Do not let it trick you!

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 10 of 10 -- 2 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 2

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Forgotten Forest Pt 1

 Filesize: 8.1 MB
 Released: 11/9/2003


By: Timon

Plot Description: Bookshop owner Kielnia hired you to learn the source of where the valuable items come from. These items sell on the market and the person who offers them is Marucha. Undoubtfully Kielnia wishes to get ahold of these items. But your task is to make profit on this ordeal, as well as to learn who stands behind Marucha. A simple peasant as himself wouldn't be able to arrange selling of the antiques. Additionally, it's worth knowing who you steal from, it might save your life or be of other use. After all, information is the best deposit you can make, as well as life insurance. Let's move on! You hope to leave this forgotten forest by dawn. Forgotten by humans and gods....

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 57 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 57

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C4 Unfortunate Formulae

 Filesize: 3.5 MB
 Released: 1/22/2003

By: Timon

Plot Description: Lady Monroe has asked you to obtain the Elixir of Silence for her. What she wants to do with it is her business. For keeping this transaction a secret you will receive extra payment. You just need to know where to obtain this priceless mixture. Tobias the Alchemist is a not-well-known purveyor of the strange and unusual. Not well-known - that is: discreet and cheap. This job should be a piece of cake for you. Spend a little time over a glass of fine wine, chatting with Tobias about recent rumors, and by late evening you will return wealthier by few thousand. So... go ahead, go for it!

Additional Comments: FM Contest 4 second place

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 21 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 21

Thief 2 Fan Mission
GHTPC Winter Holiday

 Filesize: 5.1 MB
 Released: 1/9/2006

By: Timon

Plot Description: Winter has come. Rich people's houses are crowded now, this is no time for burglary. You can leave on a well-earned vacation. Away from people, one can calm his nerves and recharge his batteries .... It's time for Garrett-style recreation. Get to the house - you haven't paid that amount of money for renting that bungalow just to stand in the cold now, did you? Also, find out if they carried out your instructions.

Additional Comments: Glyph of Hammer and Trowel Polish Contest Entry
Contest details in Polish

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 4 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 4

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Tymoteusz (Polish) (vPOL)

 Filesize: 5.8 MB
 Released: 9/30/2002

By: Timon

Plot Description: W dzisiejszych czasach, bezpieczne jest jest tylko byc martwym. Reka kapituly siega wszedzie, dosiega kazdego, nawet najmniejszego i najbardziej ukrytego. Zebranie jako sposob na zycie lub w wyniku zyciowej koniecznosci uprawia spora grupa mieszkancow Miasta. Nie sa traktowania jak obywatele ale dziela to Miasto z nami i pozwalaja nam odczuc swoje szczescie i bogactwo. Jednak niekiedy ich obecnosc nie pasuje do wizerunku Miasta i jego wladzy. Zebranie pod siedziba Kapituly przechylilo szale, Postanowiono pokazac zebrakom ich wlasciwe miejsce - lochy i najpodlejsze zakamarki Miasta. Uderzono celnie, zatrzymano dzis popoludniu Tymoteusza, przyjaciela z lat mlodosci, dzis Krola zebrakow. Postawiono mu zarzut morderstwa kupca z rynku rybnego - Bazylego. Wszystko szyte grubymi nicmi, zarzut wniosl Szeryf Norbert, zaufany Kapituly. Jedyna szansa to przedstawienie wiarygodnego alibii. Pelna kiesa czyni cuda, szanowany i co wazne bogaty platnerz Michal oswiadczy jutro, ze cały dzien w ktorym dokonano morderstwa, Tymoteusz spedzil w jego loszku przylapany na podkradaniu kur. Usiekl mu dwa dniu pozniej niszczac bwie beczki i troche innego sprzetu. Co tez ludzie nie wymysla, ale tylko takie alibii i taka osoba moze uratowac glowe Tymoteusza. Dostarcz mu informacje do aresztu aby w czasie porannnego przesluchania mogl pierwszy przekazac sledczym taka wersje zdarzen tego feralnego dnia... Lepsza kara za kradziez kur niz za morderstwo, zreszta platnerz Michal wystapi o wydanie w jego rece Tymoteusza aby moc wykonac sluszna kare, zgodnie z tutejszym prawem......

Additional Comments: Polish only.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 6 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 6

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Forgotten Forest Pt 2

 Filesize: 19.5 MB
 Released: 1/29/2006


  • Map

  • By: Timon

    Plot Description: Sequel to Forgotten Forest 1. Find the missing tomb & escape.

    Additional Comments: Note that this mission is entirely in Polish and contains a large amount of text to read. An English translation does not seem to be forthcoming.

    Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 8 of 10 -- 18 Vote(s)

    Number of Votes: 18

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