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Thief Gold Only Fan Mission
Murder in Featherstone (v1.1)

 Filesize: 3.88 MB
 Released: 9/17/2007


By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: Mr. Garrett, I am willing to pay you 4000 in gold for the recovery of a golden skull, AND for the purse of the previously-hired person who was supposed to bring it back to me. The recent murders in Featherstone suggest the skull might have ended up there. If you need equipment, Bits 'N Bobs should have all you require. The proprietor is an associate of mine, and is expecting you. Just take what you need and I shall settle with him later.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 16 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 16

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Good Samaritan

 Filesize: 19.2 MB
 Released: 2/23/2006

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: "It's dark, then again it usually is around this time. I have had the sudden urge to go out and find something to do, whatever that may be and wherever that may take me. It's time to begin..."

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 8 of 10 -- 3 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 3

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bestest FM 4: Wishy Washy

 Filesize: 6.9 MB
 Released: 1/16/2008

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: After breaking into a stately home, you discover a rather odd smell! Trying to ignore it, you continue to look for glittery things...

Unfortunately, the smell is far too strong, and makes you feel all giddy! About to puke, you try to find a bathroom, only there isn't one! Then it hits you... Without a bathroom, how does everyone keep squeaky clean? Answer: They don't! It's now obvious what that terrible smell is...

It's the occupants!

You run back out to the rear of the lake, to think of a plan...

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 2 of 10 -- 13 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 13

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Sluggs' FM Pack

 Filesize: 1.1 MB
 Released: 7/18/2003

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: The Missions: (01) Setup, (02) Ferrying The IceMan and Locked-In - a small Bonus mission.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 4 of 10 -- 20 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 20

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Annihilated (v1.3)

 Filesize: 10.7 MB
 Released: 2/19/2006

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: After last night's wild party, you awake, finding your house infested with the undead. Your spouse has been annihilated... Destroy the zombies, before they destroy you!

Appeal: Zombie fans

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 3 of 10 -- 2 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 2

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bestest FM

 Filesize: 0.18 MB
 Released: 6/19/2006
 Added: 2/10/2007

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: Please play my bestest mission so far. It took me ages to make. You have to kill everyone to complete the objectives. A Meteor made a big hole in the floor and out popped some people. They got silly voices and they can also float! They deserve to die, so Kill 'em, kill 'em all!

Additional Comments: Sluggs intended this mission to be diabolically awful. It was initally released as a prank on the good people at TTLG. I still cry sometimes when I think of it…

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 10 of 10 -- 4 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 4

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bestest FM 3: In a Link of an Eye

 Filesize: 0.49 MB
 Released: 7/30/2007

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: You're in a dream this time! There appears to be a giant chain of sorts, that's guarded by some mechanists. Kill 'em!

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 6 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 6

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Bestest FM 2: Fairground Attraction

 Filesize: 1.03 MB
 Released: 6/14/2007

By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: So you thought Bestest FM was the bestest eh? Think again, because this is even bester! It took me ages to make... A whole year to be precise! Anyway... A popular town fair has been closed due to the recent discovery of some Haunts! You did know that Haunts are fond of funfairs, yeah? Anyway... One of the Haunts frightened some poor male servant off who was riding the Ghost Train at the time. He ran off and hasn't been seen since. To be quite honest, there hasn't really been anyone around to look for him, since the Haunts appeared. They all ran off too, well, all but two that is. Only thing is, they care not, and would rather spend their time in their quaint little house, figuring out a way to get to the treasure that lies at the bottom of the local pond! The Taffers! Anyway... It's down to you then, to bring life back into the town. You must locate these Haunts and kill the buggers!

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 9 of 10 -- 1 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 1

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Fletcher's Final Mistake (vhires)

 Filesize: 33.2 MB
 Released: 5/22/2004

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: Well our favorite anti-hero has been double crossed once more. (You'd have thought folks would have learned better by now!) Time to exact a little revenge. Much of the background info is contained in the mission briefing. However; you will find a diary of sorts right at the start point. It goes into more detail about the events leading up to this evening. You are advised o read it. It's not too long.

Additional Comments: This version contains the hi-res mission briefing.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 8 of 10 -- 1 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 1

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Unfinished Business

 Filesize: 15.9 MB
 Released: 3/19/2005


By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: It hasn't been too long since my final encounter with Fletcher. I left him in a bloody heap on the floor of his flat and no evidence to incriminate me. In my line of work it doesn't pay to leave enemies as ruthless as Fletcher alive or clues for the Watchdogs. I finally managed to fence the coin collection that started this whole mess and it brought me a tidy sum. I laid low for a while but now it's time to take care of another matter. That matter goes by the name of Cooper Barlett. I found proof that fateful night that he had ordered Fletcher to do me in. However; Barlett hasn't been seen in town since then. He's hold up in a town called Dunshire a few days travel south. Barlett's brother Durnhime is the Mayor and it's under his protection that Barlett lingers. (more)

Additional Comments: Sequel to "Fletcher's Final Mistake"

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 5 of 10 -- 55 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 55

Thief 2 Fan Mission
C5 Bafford's Bone Collection

 Filesize: 0.9 MB
 Released: 2/29/2004

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: I have a simple job planed for this evening. Where have I said THAT before!? The last name is the same but this time it's a nephew. Jason Bafford...an explorer of sorts. He's just returned from an expedition from parts unknown where he uncovered a valuable Golden Skelleton. The word on the street is that he's got the bones stashed somewhere in his house. In a few weeks he's planning on auctioning them off to the highest bidder at a special event at Watercest Museum. Heh, not if I get there first. The place is heavily guarded so I'd better be extra careful. However it's not too big so Bafford can only have so many hiding spaces. I should be able to line my pockets with enough loot to pay the rent for a while while I hunt for them. No sense in waiting. It's time to begin.

Additional Comments: FM Contest 5 entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 2 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 2

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Servent's Revenge

 Filesize: 6 MB
 Released: 12/21/2004

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: You are Gilbert, an endentured servant. Your Master, Lord Rothburg has been cruel and most unkind. Though your home and surroundings are comfortable you have no freedom to call your own...but on this cold winter night you finally have a plan. Your brother Stephen has escaped his own servitude and has gotten word to you that a ship awaits bound for a distant land and the chance for freedom. Gripping the note in your hand you resolve to meet him this night. You have no money to call your own but that will soon change. The main house is full of treasures and is just across the way. Trouble is, you are not allowed to roam the grounds or main house freely at night or even look out your windows!!. If anybody sees you, you're in BIG trouble. No sense in waiting...It's time to begin.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 4 of 10 -- 48 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 48

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Sly's UT Arena

 Filesize: 0.13 MB
 Released: 2/28/2006

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: This is not a serious mission. The point is to fight guards. It's gonna be hard. It's supposed to be hard! Use your head. Once you start the fight there's really no stopping it...so BE READY TAFFER!

Additional Comments: There are two steal objectives. One involves 30 in loot. There are 6 coins in the mission. You need to find them all! They are placed in a pattern.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 8 of 10 -- 1 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 1

Thief 2 Fan Mission
SSR Auldale Chess Tournament

 Filesize: 1.81 MB
 Released: 3/17/2006
 Added: 2/10/2007

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: SlyFoxx's entry to Yandros's 500 000 DromEd units contest.

Additional Comments: Yandros' Small Stock Resource Contest entry

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 3 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 3

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Fletcher's Final Mistake (vlores)

 Filesize: 14.7 MB
 Released: 5/22/2004

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: Well our favorite anti-hero has been double crossed once more. (You'd have thought folks would have learned better by now!) Time to exact a little revenge. Much of the background info is contained in the mission briefing. However; you will find a diary of sorts right at the start point. It goes into more detail about the events leading up to this evening. You are advised to read it. It's not too long.

Additional Comments: This version contains the lo-res mission briefing.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 23 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 23

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Friend In Need (v1)

 Filesize: 8.93 MB
 Released: 10/1/2005

By: SlyFoxx

Plot Description: Briefing: My relationship with Lord Bafford has always been tenuous at best. Ever since that fateful night so long ago it's ALWAYS been a pleasure of relieve him of his baubles and leave him scratching his head as to how one man always seems to get the best of him. Ha! He can hire all the guards he wants. He can add Mechanist security machines. Been there. Done that. So when I heard he had just acquired a new summer home in the country...well you get the idea. The only problem is finding out where it's located. I was talking to Basso yesterday at The Stonemarket Inn and he suggested the nearby law office of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe as a good place to begin snooping. The firm has represented Bafford in the past and it's a good bet they'll have information on the new home and its whereabouts in case they need to contact him. I was busy last night with a lucrative contract so Basso offered to fill in for me. I guess married life is getting a little dull and he was looking for some excitement. I should have knocked him cold then and there for even suggesting it. I've said before that Basso's not much of a sneak. Turns out Basso was nabbed red-handed picking the lock of the law firm's door. Now he's locked in a cell in a nearby jail. Oh well...at least this time it's The City Watch that has him and not the Hammerites. No sense in waiting. It's time to begin.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 2 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 2

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