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Thief 2 Fan Mission
Doschtles Beginn (vGER)

 Filesize: 1.1 MB
 Released: 10/1/2007

By: Doschtle

Plot Description: Die Miete ist in zwei Tagen fällig, und ich war schon zweimal zu spät dran, und ich will es nicht mit meinem „Lehnsherren“ zu tun bekommen, wenn ich schon wieder zu spät dran bin. Außerdem habe ich mein Schwert verloren. Weiß Gott, wie das passieren konnte, aber ich konnte es in einem Stadtteil auf der Südwestseite der Stadt ausfindig machen. Wenn ich dort bin, versuche ich, mein Schwert wieder zu bekommen und alles Mögliche an Beute mitzunehmen, was ich auch kriegen kann. Ich habe auch gehört, dass dort ein reicher Edelmann wohnt, der ein wertvolles Diadem sein Eigen nennt, wäre doch gelacht, wenn sich das nicht ändern liesse. Es wird Zeit, aufzubrechen…

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 3 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 3

Thief Gold Only Fan Mission
Murder in Featherstone (v1.1)

 Filesize: 3.88 MB
 Released: 9/17/2007


By: Sluggs (Vaughan Cooper)

Plot Description: Mr. Garrett, I am willing to pay you 4000 in gold for the recovery of a golden skull, AND for the purse of the previously-hired person who was supposed to bring it back to me. The recent murders in Featherstone suggest the skull might have ended up there. If you need equipment, Bits 'N Bobs should have all you require. The proprietor is an associate of mine, and is expecting you. Just take what you need and I shall settle with him later.

Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 16 Vote(s)

Number of Votes: 16

Thief 2 Fan Mission
Mystery at the St Anne Inn (v1)

 Filesize: 45.36 MB
 Released: 9/6/2007

  • Mission only, no briefing

  • By: eepcat (Paul D Rotter)

    Plot Description: My trusted ally Tricky Nick left for a routine heist two weeks ago and I haven't heard from him since. I need to figure out what happened to him so I made a reservation at the St. Anne Inn where Nick was casing. The inn looks new, thanks to renovation, but is quite old and situated near an abandoned Hammer quarry. I'm not going to be welcomed with open arms carrying an arsenal, so if things go awry, I'll have to supply myself as I go. Nick is damn good, but I hope he left behind some swag for me. This place isn't exactly cheap and its two days by coach. But, he'd have done it for me.

    Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 7 of 10 -- 11 Vote(s)

    Number of Votes: 11

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Bloodmist Tower (v1.2)

     Filesize: 11.71 MB
     Released: 9/5/2007

    By: Kfort (Katy Fortner)

    Plot Description: Young Lord Milano has allowed his security to grow lax as of late. Long nights spent drinking and carousing have left the good lord with little time for his more practical duties. Why not teach him the error of his ways? With a mansion so full of expensive items, the trip will certainly be worth your time. The mansion will be easy to enter - simply drop into the enclosed garden adjacent to the servants' quarters. Lord Milano will be out of town until Tuesday, so except for a few servants and a handful of guards, you will have the place all to yourself. Should be as easy as stealing candy from a baby . . .

    Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 9 of 10 -- 15 Vote(s)

    Number of Votes: 15

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Scepter of Dor Am'al Pt 1: Shipwreck (v1.0)

     Filesize: 7.2 MB
     Released: 9/1/2007

    By: Jesps (Jesper Thingholm)

    Plot Description: One of my contacts had a job oppotunity for me. Travel to the town of Wilstone to steal The Scepter of Dor Am'al. The scepter is an old magical artifact from the time of the precursers. It has been in the possesion of many kings and noblemen, but a few hundred years ago it simply wanished. Some say that it was hidden away to protect the world from it's powers. Others, that the scepter itself was waiting for the right moment to return. One thing is for sure though. It is now in the possesion of Lord Connell, who lives in Wilstone. Wilstone is a small but wealthy harbour town that has trade routes to towns far to the south. There are no known towns on the same continent as Wilstone, so the only traffic in and out of the town is by ship. And for me, by ship means to hire captain Pascoe, someone I have done business with before, and I know I can trust. The trip was going according to plan until a storm forced the ship off course until it ended it's days on the rocks. As the only surviver, I now have to continue alone in this unknown place.

    Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 8 of 10 -- 13 Vote(s)

    Number of Votes: 13

    Thief 2 Fan Mission
    Arac Attack (v1.2)

     Filesize: 6.84 MB
     Released: 8/31/2007

    By: Theker (Steve)

    Plot Description: In a small facility happened very strange things. All humans were killed, some of them were eaten. Only bones were left over, some of them with tooth marks. The only thing what was left on the site of crime is a big crack in the tower. Under the tower you ought to find a tunnel system.

    Cast your vote by clicking on the vine image below -- Current score: 6 of 10 -- 6 Vote(s)

    Number of Votes: 6

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